Thursday, August 9, 2012

DotGreen Roots

As a graduate student at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, I have chosen to devote my life to the study of Physical Oceanography, with specific regard to Oceanic Carbon Cycle dynamics and the physical controls of biology. I am also a Graduate Research Fellow with the National Science Foundation, and work and volunteer with students, underrepresented groups, and foreign researchers in developing countries. With these experiences, I have witnessed the environmental and humanitarian benefits that come from the effective application of time and resources to organizations and problems in need.

I am writing this to support DotGreen Community, Inc's application for the new .green TLD. There is no single answer to the problems that face our planet, and DotGreen realizes this. Through online discussion and branding, they will develop a community whose sole focus is furthering sustainable practices. Simultaneously (and in my opinion, more importantly), the grassroots beginning that introduced DotGreen to the TLD stage will help shape their implementation of time, energy, and resources to those problems.

Throwing money at a problem does not solve it. It takes clever understanding to define a plan, and a driving passion to achieve the solution. In addition to possessing these traits, I think DotGreen's leadership will be able to recognize the grassroots campaigns which will take projects through to completion. I believe DotGreen's non-profit goals in particular, speak towards devotion to ideals in-line with the Green Movement.

I am excited to be a part of the Green Community they develop.

For more information, visit the following.

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